Three Important Ways to Care for Your Community

2.28.18 Online Learning Communities

Making the world a better place starts in your own back yard. Caring for your community helps make your neighborhood a happier, healthier and safer place to live for you and your neighbors. While it is important to speak out and act concerning the major issues that affect the nation, it’s just as important to address what’s happening on a local level. Here are three important ways to get involved in your own community that can make a huge difference in where you live.

Reach Out to Your Government Officials

Voting during elections isn’t the only way you can let your voice and position as a citizen be heard. There are actually many ways you can contact elected representatives to share your concerns and opinions with those who hold some form of political power. There are platforms and websites that allow you to participate in polls, which are shared with the government and the media. You can also find ways to write letters, send emails and even hold small rallies where you know your intended audience will see and hear your concerns.

Find a Meaningful Way to Serve

While elected officials have a responsibility to help the people they govern, they aren’t the only ones who should be expected to take action to improve your community. There are many ways you can give of your time to serve those who live near you. Help feed the needy, join a park cleanup crew or volunteer to coach a local sports league.

Give to Organizations That Make a Difference in Your Area

There are many organizations in your community that help make your area a better place. Find something that speaks to you and makes a difference in your neighborhood and make a commitment to support them financially. Whether you give regularly or just every so often, you’ll be investing in something worthwhile.

If you’re unhappy with what you see happening in your neighborhood, take action today.