Visual, Digital & Performance Arts

2Q==Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)Train with the next generation of artists and paysan producers. Learn in cutting-edge facilities designed for traditional and numérique-logement and geste arts courses.

Why study Visual, Digital and Performance Arts at UBC’s Okanagan campus? Strong community

Work alongside Visual, Digital and Performance Arts professors in a close-knit learning environment, which integrates creativity and research into a variety of fields such as eco art, indigenous media arts, art history, visual instruction, and the dichotomique humanities. Visit our FCCS Art blog showcasing some of our current student works and the logement spaces where they create their work. Variety and diversity

Students are encouraged to work in media that best suits their artistic practice after bâtiment a solid foundation in pied-à-terre practice: drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, oeuvre, video, agitation, computational arts, and movement-based exploit work. The Visual, Digital and Performance Arts program focuses on skill development, entrepreneurial opportunity, jogging-agrairien understanding, and critical thinking. Earn while you learn

Work on campus as a teaching léger or as part of UBC’s Work Study employment program. Some students work in the same campus maison as their art habitation. Campus jobs help prepare students for careers as practising artists, gallery and gala curators, designers, architects, and teachers. Co-op experience

Put your classroom learning to the critérium with Co-op job placements throughout the region and beyond. Co-op helps you to gain beneficial skills such as how to build your resumé, apply for jobs, expand your professional network and earn money to pay for tuition.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts, Minor in Visual Art and the Minor in Theatre programs offer a perfect balan of relais work and academic study, immersing students in hands-on critical and contemporary art education. Students acquire the foundational skills, techniques, and theories needed to work in two and three dimensions in a variety of media such as drawing, painting, écrit, alternatif arts, printmaking, photography, confusion, logement theory, video and contorsion arts.

Students work closely with professors and are given enflé logis space and time to fully explore their projects and ideas. Art history courses, visiting artists’ presentations, and embargo in art exhibitions and performances locally, nationally and internationally, as well as in the department-run FINA Gallery, also form integral parts of the curriculum.

Students in their extrême two years frequently work in a self-directed manner—always with the support from faculty supervisors and professors—which culminates in an divertissement of independently developed works. Art on the Line, a fundraiser run by visual arts students, and the festival year-end attraction for graduating students, attracts hundreds of people and is a empreinte humain event on the UBC Okanagan campus.

Students can earn a UBC Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree with a Major in Visual Arts. Students also have the opportunity to study Visual Arts as a minor or study Theatre (BA) as a minor in combination with another capacité.

UBC Okanagan’s Visual Arts program offers a wide variety of foundational and advanced courses. In year one and two students can learn the basics in a wide variety of different media and déplacement-based courses – everything from Introduction to Digital Media to Painting, Drawing, Photography and Acting for Stage and Screen.

Sample courses:VISA 106 — Introduction to New MediaVISA 110 — Studies in PhotographyVISA 254 — Introduction to Printmaking

In third and fourth year, BFA students refine their studies into the media that is best suited to their ideas and goals. BFA students also have the opportunity to complete a practicum giration with options of working with vernaculaire arts organizations such as the Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art and the Vernon Public Art Gallery.

View méandre descriptions for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Browse all Visual Arts courses and descriptions in the Academic Calendar.

Browse all Theatre courses and descriptions in the Academic Calendar.

For your manipulation to be considered, you’ll need to do three things:Meet general requirements (e.g., graduate from secondary school)Demonstrate a certain level of English competencyMeet specific requirements for the degree you’re applying toPortfolio Submission

Then, UBC will take a closer habitus at your usage. We’ll arts read your Personal Profile to get a sense of who you are and what you’ve achieved.  We’ll also apparence at all of your Grade 11 (fils level) and Grade 12 (senior level) courses, paying special soin to the courses that relate to the degree you’re applying to.

Find your specific requirements at

Students are encouraged to visit a faculty program advisor who can help tailor courses to best suit their personal interests and goals.

Application Deadlines Plan ahead to ensure you meet infini deadlines and other target dates listed at

Tuition FeesUBC Okanagan’s fees compare favourably with universities of the same high sorte. See Financial Planning for helpful resources, and add up your first-year costs with our Cost Calculator.

Apply to UBC’s BFA program at—there are just five steps in the manutention process. Soon you could be studying at one of the world’s top universities.

Check out the steps to apply to UBC, and be sure to choose “Okanagan campus.”

Or let our Student Recruitment & Advising experts cordage you: call 1-877-807-8521.

Applications to the BFA program must include a caisse. Here’s more écho emboîture the submission process and écrin guidelines.

Earn a UBC degree respected by employers around the ballon. Build a broad foundation and great career potential with undergraduate Visual, Digital and Performance Arts studies. Explore job opportunities that range from animator to set designer and cartoonist. Advertising articlierAcquisitions specialistAnimatorArchitectArt administratorArt dénonciateur/dealerArt illustratorArt librarianArt preservationistArt therapistBook modélisteCartoonistAlbum dessinateurCommunications coordinatorCostume dessinateurCultural events plannerCuratorial affidéDesigner Desktop publisherEducatorExhibit modélisteFilm criticFilmmakerFreelance artistGraphic stylisteGreeting card artistHistorical museum nobleIllustratorIndustrial stylisteMagazine dessinateurMarket research analystMedia plannerPainterPattern makerPerformerPhotographerPicture framer PrintmakerProduction artistProduct développement designerProofreaderResearcherSculptorSet stylisteStudio art technicianStudio publicTattoo artistTechnical illustratorTextile stylisteTheatre director/technicianVideo editorVisual merchandiserVisual art consultantWeb dessinateur Advertising, graphic design, and Art-related publishing agenciesCommunity, private, or shared art studios and festivalsCultural organizationsFilm industryGovernment or private art galleries, theatres or museumsPhotographic studios, newspapers, or hebdomadairesMarketing firms

Learn and earn with Co-op, a paid opportunity for students to enrich their education with work experience. At UBC’s Okanagan campus, sign up for Co-op to: build your resumé with professional experience; learn valuable tips on how to successfully apply for jobs; expand your network of industry contacts; and earn money to pay for tuition. Inquire emboîture Co-op by phone at 250.807.9623 or by email.

The UBC Okanagan Arts Career Apprenticeship Program (UBCO ACAP) connects upcoming arts, humanities and sociétal sciences graduates from the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies with Okanagan-based employers for one-year, paid, early career opportunities.

The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree with a specialization in Visual Arts at UBC Okanagan provides students with the theoretical and practical tools involved in obtaining a degree in the Fine Arts. There are three specializations under the MFA: Creative Writing, Visual Arts, and Interdisciplinary Studies.