3 Keys To Preventing Algae Overgrowth in Your Pond

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It’s always a pleasant surprise to round the bend and discover a sparkling neighborhood pond. If you oversee a pond on your property or in your neighborhood, you know it is a treasured asset that comes with some responsibility. Algae overgrowth is one of the most common and challenging pond management issues. By the time you notice the algae, significant underlying problems may exist, which can affect the longevity of an aquatic ecosystem. A preventive pond management strategy for algae control can save you time and money, as well as protect your property value.

Consulting an Expert

It can be useful to schedule a consultation with an expert to evaluate your pond and make recommendations. Working with a pond management consultant can be a way to make fast progress in eradicating algae and getting your pond in beautiful shape. They will be able to make recommendations for maintaining your shoreline properly, installing and maintaining pond aerators and fountains, and testing your water for nutrient content. Their services may also include site surveys, management plan design and pond maintenance and construction.

Creating a Management Plan

Pond management is a complex science with many variables. Your pond specialist can help you create a comprehensive annual management plan. In addition to preventing algae overgrowth and increasing your pond’s clarity, scheduled maintenance may also protect you from costly unexpected problems.

Keeping Up With Your Plan

Your plan is as valuable as your commitment to follow it. By the time you notice murky water, algae overgrowth or mosquitos, multiple imbalances may be causing the problems. Your best chance for early detection and a balanced budget is to keep up with the maintenance practices outlined in your plan.

Committing to a proactive strategy for keeping your pond algae-free can mean the difference between a murky, stagnant bog and a beautiful, sparkling, functional pond. If you want to prevent algae growth in your pond or need to address an existing problem, preventive pond management is the key to preserving your valuable property asset far into the future.